Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mission Statement

To our readers,

This Blog is being created as a venue for residents of the Village of Freeport, located on Long Island and within the state of New York, to receive as well as contribute information pertaining to our Village. This could be anything, ranging from the latest Board of Trustees Meeting to notices of elections and whatnot.

Business reviews, sporting events and even (hopefully!) interviews with Village Officials are the choice entrees of this verbal restaurant. But before we can get into the metaphorical main course, a little about myself; my name is Jesse Pohlman, and I've been a Resident for twenty five years. That's about as long as I could have been a Resident, since that is my age. Since I was sixteen, I've worked as a lifeguard for the Freeport Recreation Center. I hold a Masters Degree in Secondary Education as well as a BA in History from Adelphi University, and a BA in English from Queens College. I'm a writer, and my personal webpage can be found at for those who are interested in fiction or articles about more than just the Village.

I've been active in Village politics for a few months now, and hope to remain a vigilant, concerned citizen. Hopefully, I'll live up to my standards of personal honor - antiquated as that word might be! - and will be able to provide you all with concise, factual information that is gleaned through journalism and not simply through rumor. To that end, any suggestions that you might have are more than welcome; if something is worth looking into, or a business worth reviewing, I will be more than happy to do so upon your suggestion.

Since I've explained what this blog is for, allow me to explain what it is not. This blog is not a group effort. The name "The Weekly Freeporter" was chosen because I believe I can post once or twice a week, and will not necessarily be reporting about a million things every day. It is, similarly, not a partisan or politically-oriented effort: I might elect to write an op-ed piece now and again, but I will strive to avoid endorsing political candidates and will certainly not permit visitors to leave slanderous/deceptive sentiments behind. Finally, it is not something to be used to any one person's ends - I would like to believe we are all free-thinkers, and that we all form our own opinion. You may or may not disagree with me, and as with all journalism there are times when even the best informed people "get it wrong." Perfection is impossible, but I commit myself to pursuing it as close as I can get.

My warmest regards,
--Jesse Pohlman

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