Tuesday, August 6, 2024

TWF 345: Nassau County Bans Masks In The Name Of Safety, Makes County Less Safe

 Hello, friends,

As per the NY Civil Liberties Union, as well as many other sources, Nassau County has passed a ban on wearing any form of face covering.  There are supposedly medical and/or religious exemptions to this, but those are reportedly unclear and vague.

Friends, let me tell you:  For the chronically ill, for those who are headed to or from a doctors' office, for those who will be in a confined space with strangers?  Masks are a lifeline that allows them to participate in public life with less fear of getting sick and dying.

Now, those people may be subject to fines and possibly - I am not kidding - a fucking YEAR of imprisonment.

Just a month ago, our usually-inept governor issued a warning that CoVID infections were once again on the rise.  Thus, our county's ban flies in the face of basic public health.

The rationale I keep hearing is "public safety."  The idea that everyone on the street must be identifiable so that crooks can't hide who they are.

I may not love our governor, but she's right to warn us that CoVID is still a serious threat.  I may not choose to mask under most circumstances, but I damn sure don't believe in taking that right away from others. Should our police really be playing "Check people wearing a mask for a doctors' note"?  Is that what you want our tax money spent on?

I promise you this much:  At least once, while a cop is harassing someone over their mask, a real crime will be committed that they could have stopped.  And that'll be on the cop for enforcing the stupid law, the legislature for passing the stupid law, and county executive Bruce Blakeman for signing the stupid law.

Because it seems like our county doesn't give a damn if innocent immunocompromised people die.  They just want to watch those peoples' face as they choke down their last agonizing breath.

This ban needs to be overturned, and people need to speak out about it.

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