Thursday, May 27, 2021

TWF 314: Nassau County Vaccination Rates Hit 74%! (CoVID update #11)

 Hello, friends,

I hope you're all doing well!  This is just a short blog post to memorialize a few key CoVID numbers which will surely help us all feel, well, better.  These numbers are sourced from Nassau County Executive Laura Curran.

Here we can see that Nassau is well past 50% vaccination, and that it's approaching 74% as of the 25th of May.

And here we can see that we've hit 74%, that we are the most-vaccinated amongst 'major' NY counties, and that there were ZERO recorded deaths due to CoVID-19 over the past week.

Amateur Analysis

Opening fact:  I'm not a doctor.

These numbers are fantastic.   Having zero CoVID deaths is just plain tremendous; it means our hospitals are in good shape, and that our medical resources aren't stretched thin.  It means that people who fall ill or get hurt and end up in the hospital are much less likely to contract it from the treatment 

It means we're coming through on the other side of this CoVID nightmare that began just over a year ago.

It also means we've still got a lot of work to do.

For example, we can't count on just the 70% vaccination rate to prevent another major outbreak.  Everyone for whom it is medically sound (which is almost everyone, almost certainly including you!) needs to get vaccinated in order for herd immunity to take effect.  This is critically important because people who are immunocompromised are still at huge risk; take transplant patients, who are much less protected by current Coronavirus vaccines than most people.  So you're still protecting the vulnerable by getting the vaccine, even if you're really just one of millions of drops in the bucket of preventing future CoVID outbreaks.  It's also worth noting that there is still the possibility of people from outside of the county to bring it in, and that vaccinations today may diminish in protective value as time goes on.

But, on the whole, this is great news!

Jesse Pohlman is an author from Long Island, New York.  He writes Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels, which you can find at his website, here.

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