Friday, March 13, 2020

TWF 300: States Of Emergency Require Calm (CoVID-19 Update #3)

Greetings, friends,

Just a few updates.

First, the Federal Government is taking emergency action over the Coronavirus in order to make more testing available.  Why more testing wasn't available earlier is itself an unexplained question.  The U.S. has been pitifully behind the rest of the world in testing.

Second:  Nassau County Executive Laura Curran has declared a State Of Emergency in order to access more resources.  This includes many facility closures.

Third:  As Laura Curran said as part of the above announcement, IF you are healthy and IF you can, please donate some blood.  There's apparently a lack of donations going on.

Fourth:  As we always say, here:

First of all, please make sure you are washing your hands, covering your coughs, and generally obeying good personal hygiene in order to minimize both your risk and the risk of those around you.  If you feel sick (fever, chills, body ache, difficulty breathing), DO NOT go to work, and DO NOT just go to the doctor - call your healthcare provider and ask for instructions on what their procedure is.

Do not panic!  (That includes buying up all of the damned toilet paper!  :/ )

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