As you can see, I received a letter today from the Mayor, himself. And before I go further, thank you for the prompt response! In the event that the tiny print cannot be read, allow me to cut and paste his response:
"Statement of Mayor Andrew Hardwick:
When I was sworn into office in April 2009 I pledged to represent the residents of the Village of Freeport. Over the past few months the residents have told me that they do not want a waste to energy facility within the Village of Freeport. While I looked at various technologies, the residents have spoken in a united voice and I understand, respect, and have and will continue to honor their concerns.
No matter what is posted and said online, I am confirming that there will be no waste to energy facility in the Village of Freeport.
Thank you,
Mayor Andrew Hardwick"
So there you have it. Mr. Hardwick, I am assuming that there is nobody so crass as to impersonate you and issue false statements on your behalf - and, thus, I thank you again for your prompt and pointed response. Folks, you heard it here, first - Mayor Hardwick is on record that this plan is confirmed dead. "There will be no waste to energy facility in the Village of Freeport." His confirmation is given, his word is public.
Presuming this document stands, this day marks the end of a massive struggle between community activists and the perceived lack of acknowledgment provided from the Mayor's office on this issue. It ends not with a bang, nor with a whimper, but simply with a public statement of intent (or the lack thereof) - as it should be. I suspect there shall be some celebration, tonight, as this conflict comes to an end.
Tomorrow's a Monday, however, and there's always more work to be done on Mondays...
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