Thursday, March 28, 2013

Rich Cantwell, of Friends of Freeport, on WDVR!

Hello, Freeport,

This is just a short little post (I've been encouraged to do short ones!) to bring my readers up to date on a particularly awesome group that's getting a lot of well-deserved recognition.  Friends of Freeport formed up after Superstorm Sandy rolled through.  They have been going around every weekend and ripping out peoples' houses, or fixing them up, or whatever they can do to help rebuild after the storm.  This is, of course, months after the storm rolled through - indicative of just how little help our area has gotten.

Rich Cantwell is one of the ringleaders of this here posse, and he was interviewed by another Freeport fellow, on WDVR.  WDVR is located in Delaware, actually, and we have some audio recordings thanks to Barry Goodman.  (Here's hoping the link works!)

The conversation is pretty serious and intense.  They touch on topics like how the Friends have to manage grant money (Rich in particular), and how they decide who gets repaired when, and how that can build up a lot of stress.  So, good on them!

I've linked you to the video, and I've linked you to the Facebook page.  I encourage you to find out about them, and see what you can do to help!

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